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12th Street is Open to Traffic
On Thursday, June 29, 2023, 12th St. fully opened to traffic from Kansas Ave. to Gage Blvd. The Contractor will still be on site working...
SW 12th Street Project Near Final Completion
We are near final completion of the SW 12th Street Project. The final layer of asphalt needs to be placed between SW Gage Blvd. and SW...
Reopening of the Clay and Western intersections
The intersections of Clay Street and Western Avenue along 12th Street are reopening the week of May 1, 2023. In addition, sidewalk...
Clay Street and Western Avenue Intersection Closures
The intersections of Clay Street and Western Avenue along 12th Street will be closed starting Monday, February 20th. The purpose of the...
Project Update for Residents between SW Oakley Ave. and SW Gage Blvd.
Thank you for your patience during this extended construction project. We really appreciate those who attended the public information...
Project Update Meeting for Residents between Gage and Oakley
On Wednesday, December 14th from 5:30 to 7:00 PM, the City of Topeka will be hosting a public meeting at the New Life Baptist Church...
Holiday Roadway Access
Below is the list of SW 12th Street sideroads that will open to local traffic before Thanksgiving: SW Garfield Ave. SW Mulvane St. SW...
Road Closure Updates - 12th Street is Open
On Thursday, June 29, 2023, 12th St. fully opened to traffic from Kansas Ave. to Gage Blvd. The Contractor will still be on site working...
Curb and Gutter, Roadway and Parking Construction
Looking down SW 12th Street to the east (pictured above on the right) and west (pictured above on the left) of SW Wayne Ave., you can see...
Utility, Water Line and Curb Updates
Work continues along SW 12th Street between SW Washburn Ave. and SW Gage Blvd. A utility contractor is placing a utility line underneath...
Mid-Summer Project Update
Full-depth concrete and the first lift of asphalt pavement was installed along 12th St. from Washburn Ave. to just short of Boswell Ave....
Driveway Access and Garbage Collection
While SW 12th Street is closed, access will be maintained from the alleys, side streets and temporary drives for residents and business...
Topeka Metro Bus Route Updates
As 12th Street construction continues to move westward, the exact routing of bus route 12 Huntoon will most likely keep changing and...
How to Reverse Park in 3 Easy Steps
Reverse angle parking can seem intimidating at first, but after a few tries with these three simple steps, you'll be parking like a pro...
Safety Benefits of Reverse Angle Parking
An estimated 267 people are killed and 15,000 injured each year by drivers who back into them, according to the National Highway Traffic...
Road Closure Updates
Ongoing updates on road closures as 12th Street Project progresses.
12th Street Landscape Plans
When construction concludes on 12th Street, a variety of trees will be planted along the corridor to add shade and aesthetic value.
What are Complete Streets Design Guidelines?
These guidelines provide flexibility to respond to unique circumstances in the environment and to incorporate emerging best practices.
How Your Feedback Made A Difference
In response to feedback gathered through the public engagement process, at least five substantive changes were made to the design.
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